Where he smokes a pipe and enjoys Springtime

The morning air: crisp and refreshing, a welcome sign that Spring was finally descending. He found himself lingering, entranced, though he had intended to step outside for only a moment before returning to the couch and an open-faced book, which threatened to flip a few pages and lose its place. But he couldn’t leave; he stood mesmerized, a statue frozen by the full warmth of the morning sun. 

Finally, he melted back to consciousness and with the first decision of the day, brought out his smoking pipe. As a puff of smoke escaped his mouth, he settled in, taking in his surroundings with the utmost attentiveness. He noticed the little leaves of his wife’s mint plant, green in shadow but transparent-yellow where the sun met the tops of the curling blades. He noticed the droplets of water that refused to fall from the underside of the porch railing: evidence of last night’s downpour. He heard the distant calls of jays, the nearby shouts of blackbirds, and the shrill songs of sparrows. He felt the gentle rustle of the breeze as it touched his skin, and caught a waft of someone’s nearby breakfast. 

As he took in the beauty around him, he thought no more of the stories others had written, where he was a mere onlooker. Instead, he dreamed of his own story, the one he hadn’t written yet. His mind was filled with awe as he considered the scurrying squirrels and the budding trees, the deepening blues of the sky and the disappearing shadows beneath the trees. He couldn’t help but recreate the world he perceived, and so he pulled out pen and paper and wrote: “The morning air: crisp and refreshing, a welcome sign that Spring was finally descending.”

Light & Shadow

I love morning light; how it filters through the window, touching faux bamboo leaves, somehow adding life where there was none, bringing depth to the slightly crooked lampshade. I can’t say I understand it, but I feel something when I gaze at the light and shadow. Funny how a little thing like sunlight…a touch of God perhaps…can make an otherwise insignificant corner of the room captivating.

Sheba the Lion-Dog

Sheba greeted me joyfully, golden clumps of matted fur tousling as she lumbered toward me. It struck me then how much like a lion she looked, though she couldn’t hide her goofy and lovable doggish charm. I reached out my hand for a nuzzle as I jogged down the farm road, and she danced beside me to match my pace, longing for a good scratch behind the ear. She and I ran together for a short way before she stopped to return to her guard-post. I knew she’d be waiting for me when I returned, though, and that brought me a little bit of joy.